
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Good At Heart

The rough carpet dug fiercely into my petite little hands. My knuckles were flushed white and stinging from the pain. Every couple of seconds there would be a light the window would creak, but it sounded more like a tap. This made a bit jumpy, as my instinct told me it was my follower signaling that she had found me. This made me realize how visible I was from the window, so I crawled a few inches under the desk.
There was a horrible noise. Footsteps had patted the tiled hallway, right outside the classroom. They had stopped. I could almost imagine her looking in, her evil eyes piercing every last object in sight. More footsteps, now muffled by the carpet, trailed into the room. I don't recall being found, but the next moment I was standing right in front of her, hysterical because I had been discovered.

She began shaking me. "HOW COULD YOU THINK THAT WAY?" Her eyes were unfathomably wild. They almost seemed to have streaks of red glistening in, giving her a beast-like countenance. Her hair swung in the air as if it had been trying to whip me.

"You DON'T UNDERSTAND!" I began to sob, and she shook me even harder.


I tried to break away, but her grasp had no chance of weakening. "Bridgit!" I screamed.

Her nails dug into my hands, taking the place of those carpet burns. "YOU SUPPORT EVIL ! YOU DESERVE TO GO DOWN WITH HIM!"

I began to scream long, horrible screeches. It seemed to last for an eternity, but it was then that I awoke. I was greeted my buckets of sweat and unbearable heat. I threw off my covers and slowly accepted the fact that it had all been a dream. That wouldn't even happen if she found out. But Bridgit would surely hate me, and not for just a day. I still wouldn't be safe if I told her. Bridgit would never understand, never accept wild opinions, never understand the truth about humans. Deep down, everyone is good at heart.

"I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are really good at heart."
-Anne Frank

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